Its Folly, Its Fallacy and Its Futility
The Folly…
… trying to better define the Deity than did the Apostles and then believing that this “better definition” is the foundational basis of orthodoxy–thus making rejection of it heterodoxy or heresy.
The fact that Trinitarianism brands itself as THE only correct definition of the nature and essence of God, and yet the Apostles, who were personally commissioned by our Lord Jesus and who were the initial preachers of His Gospel and teachers of His Doctrine, knew nothing of the word much less the concept of the Trinity, has to be the biggest joke ever known to man!
It is the height of absurdity and folly to suggest that any statement, confession, creed or doctrine formulated in post-apostolic times is requisite to NT Salvation. Anyone who believes or states that apostolic teachings contained in the NT are an insufficient basis of Saving Faith, and that post-apostolic teachings and dogmas are necessary to fully express the nature and essence of the Deity, should not expect sane and sober students of the Bible to take them seriously.
Here is FOLLY thrice-confounded! Consider Trinitarianism’s scripturally baseless claims:
–The FATHER is God but is not the SON or the HOLY GHOST;
–The SON is God but is not the FATHER or the HOLY GHOST;
–The HOLY GHOST is God but is not the FATHER or the SON.
How can anyone contemplate such intellectual tripe and not perceive it for what it is??? --sheer and utter FOLLY!!
The Fallacy…
…attempting to define God in wholly human terms…. 3 “persons.” God created Man in His image–ONE MAN, ONE PERSON, ONE BODY. Jesus Christ is the “express image of [God’s] person,” or, in other words “the exact representation of God’s substance.” Jesus was Emmanuel, God with us; he was the Mighty God and the Everlasting Father of Isaiah 9:6. Jesus was both fully God and fully Man, the SON of GOD and the SON of MAN.
God is ONE. This theme is repeated throughout the whole of scripture. The SHEMA proclaimed this fact to the OT People of God. The NT never departs from this foundation: there is only ONE GOD, and HE IS ONE in essence.
The plurality of “Elohim”, like the plurality of “Abraham” has reference to domain…. God of all; Father of many. If the plurality of “Elohim” MUST be interpreted such that there are three persons of God, then the laws of logic demand that this same rule of interpretation be applied to “Abraham,” which leads to a logical absurdity; we know, in fact, that Abraham was just as much ONE MAN after his name was changed from Abram as he was before the change! Serious Bible Scholars have known for decades that Trinitarianism has no scriptural support whatsoever in the OT, much less in the one word “Elohim!”
It is a fatal fallacy to interpret the “compound unity” of Echad (Hebrew word for ONE in the SHEMA) to mean THREE! Surely if God were THREE in essence He would have given SHALOSH (three) instead of ECHAD (one) in the SHEMA.
Even demons believe that God is ONE, and they tremble at the thought! The great fallacy of Trinitarianism is saying that God is THREE in essence, when the whole of scripture proclaims Him to be ONE in essence!
The Futility…
…adopting the words of Matthew 28:19 as a baptismal formula, instead of using the words spoken by Peter on the Day of Pentecost in Acts2:38. Removing the name of JESUS from the baptismal formula completely takes away the efficacy of the sacrament of Water Baptism! Thus, the whole concept of Trinitarianism, from the Council of Nicea in 325AD until now, has been a complete exercise in futility!
The point of water baptism is to wash away or for the remission of SINS! It is the rite of PURIFICATION for NT Believers. We are only cleansed by the blood of the crucified Savior when we are buried with Him by water baptism–“calling on the name of the Lord”, i.e., invoking the name of Jesus Christ! All other water ceremonies are functionally empty.
Jesus Christ—YESHUA MESSIAH…. The NAME above every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in that which is to come…. The only name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Repeating the Trinitarian formula in water baptism is useless…. The NAME of the one being associated with in baptism must be spoken in order for the purpose of baptism to be accomplished.
By invoking the Name of Jesus, the believer being baptized is bound by covenant with Jesus! When the Name of Jesus is spoken in baptism, the believer receives spiritually the circumcision of Christ and thus becomes a child of Abraham by FAITH! His parents named Jesus—pronounced His name over Him—on the eighth day of His life when he was circumcised under the Law of Moses and bound into the covenant of Abraham.
Without having the name of Jesus uttered over the new convert during the New Birth water baptism experience there is no covenantal binding!
It is just a waste of time and energy to baptize anyone any other way than in the name of Jesus Christ! Cleansing and remission of sins only comes through water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ!
Trinitarianism receives a three-fold FAILING grade–three F’s, if you please, for its FOLLY, its FALLACY and its FUTILITY!--Tim Cormier